Some important different between Arvind Kejriwal (AAP) and Narendra Modi (BJP)
Kejriwal vs Modi
Kejriwal 1, age 45. Modi 1 age ..63
Kejriwal 2.young energetic and an honest man . fight against corruption. Modi 2.very tired and corrupted . Always with corrupted and criminals,mafia.
Kejriwal 3 common man face and follow transparency. Modi 3. represent for corporate class and not like to follow transparency but like conspiracy.
Kejriwal4. represented for poor and common man. Modi 4 represented for businessman and elite class
Kejriwal 5.Independent party which depend on common peoples of India. Modi 5. robot of RSS and believe muscular ,money and media politics .
Kejriwal 6. follows secularism and democracy. Modi 6.follows communal divisive politics
Kejriwal 7.respect unity of the country and true lover of India. Modi 7, do not care unity, He follows divisive policy and love propaganda publicity.
Kejriwal 8.believe in democracy. Modi 8,believe in fascism and dictatorship
Kejriwal 9 want development for country. Modi 9. want only only development of businessman
Kejriwal 10. Sensitive to people's feeling. Modi 10. never care
Kejriwal 11. believe in reality. Modi 11. believe in propaganda and criticism only.
Kejriwal12,having visions.
Modi 12. no vision
Kejriwal 13. believe in peace. Modi 13.believe in war ,violence ans war
Kejriwal 14.believe in plurality. Modi 14. talking against minorities
Kejriwal 15. want to save Indian healthy culture. Modi 15, want to destroy the healthy culture
Kejriwal 16. creating peace ,development and unity culture. Modi 16. creating religious madness
Kejriwal 17. clean image. Modi 17.not clean image
Kejriwal 18. accepted internationally. Modi 18. not accepted internationally and ban for USA visa
Kejriwal19. not declared pm candidate. Modi 19. declared pm candidate by BJP