With 700 million people living in rural areas, India will remain a predominantly rural nation even in the face of growing urban migration. Given that water quality affects academic attendance and performance, India faces potential opportunity losses in GDP and deficiencies in leadership. Until governments and public-private partnerships are able to provide clean drinking water, other models are needed to bring the solution to rural India. Sarvajal is one answer.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/395647_477240032347488_516989582_n.jpg)
With 700 million people living in rural areas, India will remain a predominantly rural nation even in the face of growing urban migration. Given that water quality affects academic attendance and performance, India faces potential opportunity losses in GDP and deficiencies in leadership. Until governments and public-private partnerships are able to provide clean drinking water, other models are needed to bring the solution to rural India. Sarvajal is one answer.
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