Secularism and democracy : What BJP RSS think
by Mousan Ali
Where can we go to find God if we can not see Him in your own hearts and in every living being.
So long as the millions live in hunger and ignorance, I hold every man a traitor who, having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them.
India is a secular country as per the declaration in the Preamble to the Indian Constitution. It prohibits discrimination against members of a particular religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. The Indian notion for the term secularism is different from the French notion for the term.
The word secular was inserted into the preamble by the 42nd Amendment.(1976) It implies equality of allreligions and religious tolerance & respect. India, therefore does not have an official state religion. Every person has the right to preach, practice and propagate any religion they choose. The government must not favour or discriminate against any religion. It must treat all religions with equal respect. All citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs are equal in front of law. No religious instruction is imparted in government or government-aided schools. Nevertheless, general information about all established world religions is imparted as part of the course in Sociology , without giving any importance to any one religion or the others. The content presents the basic/fundamental information with regards to the fundamental beliefs, social values and main practices and festivals of each established world religions. The Supreme Court in S R Bommai v Union of India held that secularism was an integral part of the basic structure of the constitution.. source ..Wikipedia
What RSS and BJP are sayings.
BJP RSS are Blind anti-Muslims and anti- Islam. Never respect Indian plural culture and never respect Muslims and Islam.
RSS never believe in Indian secular democracy and abuse Hinduism and nationalism theory which exploiting the youth, society,country, culture ,peace and development in India. BJP is the political wing and son of RSS.BJP and RSS are the darkness of India and more dangerous than Taliban.Always believe in fascism. There were 13,356 serious anti-Muslim riots in 39 years between 1954 and 1992.It had been gifted by RSS and BJP. Incredible India. Support RSS for killing peoples especially Muslims.RSS and BJP never think about dalit, minorities and other backward classes in India.It is criminal parties which encourage crimes in India and exploiting the nation. Are the real love India!Are they real want peace and prosperity?
They would like to follow communal and fascism ideology.
.BJP RSS create systematically propaganda about Muslims and harassment to Muslims.They love propaganda nationalism and create division and hatred among the healthy society.
RSS is the core organisation which control the BJP, Vishwa Hindu Parisad, Bajrang Dal, Vanabasi Kalyan Ashram. BIP is the political wing of RSS. These organisation always propagating about minorities and spread hatred among the common peoples in our country.They collect fund from different country for social work but they use it to spread hatred among the peoples and society
They create terror among the society and participation in bomb blast and terrorism.
All forms of violence are terrorism". Striking terror, or putting people in a state of terror is equivalent to terrorism.Which acts of violence can be categorized as terrorism?
Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde says RSS was behind Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts. "After investigations, we have seen that be it BJP or RSS, their training camps are promoting Hindu terrorism."
BJP RSS do not believe in present Indian secular and democracy and selling dream Hindu Rastra theory to create mass hysteria and misguide the youth about nationalism.
Nation and religion are quiet different each others. But it is very strange and unfortunate that the extremists BJP, RSS believe in religion nation ideology which are absolutely wrong ideology.They propagating new conception of nationalism and Hindurastra theory which is a fundamentalism theory. The fundamentalist create fascism and dictatorship which will be violate freedom of speech and freedom of life. It will be violate the human right and decrease the growth of development. Most of the country follow secular democracy and they are developed nation. Some of the country follow religious nation and there are lots of problems in religious base nation. Pakistan is the great example where terrorism, violence have been increased day by day.
They would like to changed the history of India for their own interest and Believe in violence.They always criticise present secular policy and they would like communal fascism policy.
There are religious infiltration in child education in school by RSS
As on 2010, about 17,000 schools have been instituted across India.A group of RSS activists planned to educate children about Hindutva .All state-level committees are affiliated to the Vidya Bharati Akhil Bharatiya Shiksha Sansthan educational system, headquartered in Delhi.
.BJP RSS do not believe in plurality in India and Represent only few caste not others special Brahmins ,upper castes and rich , corporate person not for poor and common peoples of India.
They want Islam ,Christian, Buddhist free zone in India. They are Very busy to create communal violence.
BJP. RSS are worry about minority Hindu who are living in Pakistan, Bangladesh and others countries.It is very good for humanity. They always shouting and claimed that Hindus in Pakistan ,Bangladesh are harashing and torturing. This fellow are directly attached with communal riots in India. They always spread hatred against minorities. Really it is called double standard religion fascism and terrorism..
They believe that Indian Muslims are alien and treat Muslims as second class citizen.
Hinduism and Islam have lived in India together for almost 14 centuries. The first 13 as excellent neighbors. "Love thy neighbor, for he is yourself." said the Vedas. The Koran agreed: "Do good - to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are near, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the wayfarer." (An-Nisa 4.36)
There are many arms training camp by RSS in India and Continue regularly systematically publicity propaganda among the society by paid media and different wings of Sangh Parivar.
They believe in fundamentalism and do not believe in truth and humanity. They apply muscular politics to the minorities ,dalit and other back ward classes.
They never believe in true Hindu
and God. But they always claimed that they love Hinduism and want to save Hinduism. But they always abuse Bhagwan and Hinduism.
Indian concept, ahimsa, which is found first in the sacred Upanishads (c. eighth century B.C.E.), means nonviolence to animals and humans, and is based on the assumption that harm to living creatures produces bad karma by endangering or killing the soul of another. All life is one, and any animal could contain the soul of a relative who has been reincarnated, and so harming it is wrong.
They believe that India and Bharat are different !
Mohan Bhagwat, RSS chief claimed that rape in India and not in Bharat. But we can see rape in villages also . So what is the different between India and Bharat? What do you think when your supporters who raped the Muslims women during communal riots in India? A large number of Muslim women had been raped by your supporters. You had been very pleased sir.
.Just Before elction'' mandir vahi banayenge'' after election '' mandir nahi banayenge''
Amit Shah, Narendra Modi’s point man in Uttar Pradesh, on Saturday raked up the issue of Ram temple, saying the party would soon build a grand temple in Ayodhya.
Ram Mandir and Hindutva are the political charade. BJP never honest about it. BJP, RSS are playing dirty political game and destroying the youth, peoples and country. They are the greatest liars.Atal Bihari Bajpaye,BJP his NDA government did nothing to established the Ram Mandir. He and his government was never interested to Ram Mandir and Hindutva. Only they had been created tension and communal riots in India.
BJP. the violence party of India.A group of Narendra Modi supporters staged a protest outside the residence of the party veteran for "opposing" greater role for the Gujarat Chief Minister.They never show the respect to senior party leader ,L K Advani. BJP party worker are very intolerance and believe in violence ideology.There are no democracy in BJP and it is control by fascist RSS. BJP is not independent party like others which follow the fascist RSS ideology.
What Advani said in his one-page resignation.Most leaders of ours are now concerned just with their personal agendas
The BJP was no longer the "same idealistic party" created by Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, Deendayal Upadhyaya, Nanaji Deshmukh and Vajpayee.
For some time I have been finding it difficult to reconcile either with the current functioning of the party, or the direction in which it is going," he said.
BJP RSS always create propaganda about Islam and Muslims. They create misconception and Islamphobia especially about Jihad, Kafir ,terrorism among the peoples and never tell the truth.
In Islam Jihad means struggle against injustice.Jihad does not mean killing non Muslims.Islam forbids killing any innocent human being.Allah says in the Quran whoever kills an innocent human,it is as if he has killed all mankind.It is very sad and unfortunate that today there are conspiracy
to down the image of Islam and Muslims. ISLAM means peace and submission to one God and the belief that the sole purpose of our existence is to worship God. In recent years, a great deal of attention in the media has been given to the threat of "Islamic Fundamentalism". Terrorism has no religion and Islam totally forbids the terrorist acts that are carried out by some misguided people.The Qur'an states;
"...Whoever kills an innocent soul it is as if he killed the whole of Mankind. And whoever saves one, it is as if he saved the whole of Mankind..." (Surah Al Maidah, Chapter 5 Verse 32)]
If a single Muslim involved with crime or unlawful activity then whole Muslims community should be blamed and targeted. If a non Muslims do any bad it will be crime but if a Muslim do any bad it will be terrorism. If you love your religion then why not respect others religion. Islam never allow any crime or killing any human. One who do that they are not Muslims or human.
Does Indian Mujahideen really exist? Or Paid Indian Media Created it?
whenever any bomb blast takes place anywhere, it is almost immediately stated that Indian Mujahidin are behind this and thereafter starts a media trial and arrests of persons of one particular community are made indiscriminately. Hence the government must tell: who is the chief of Indian Mujahideen
, where is its headquarter and why its HQ has not been sealed so far?
India follows conspiracy theories and “mainstream” criticism of Islam.
The Godhra, Sabarmati train burning, 58 Kar Sevaks, innocents got burnt alive.It was very sad and unfortunate. The local administration said it was not pre planned act.
Everybody knows what happened after Godhra.The2002 Gujarat Massacre in which over 2000 Muslim men, women and children were killed by organized mobs of the Hindu right wing under the protection of the Chief Minister (CM) of the Indian State of Gujarat, Narendra Modi. Over 100,000 Muslims were displaced from their homes as a result of this pogrom. The attacks, massacres, rapes and displacement were extensively covered in the international media. Scathing reports from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International as well as the Indian human rights organizations pointed out that the massacres and gang-rapes were coordinated, organized, and sanctioned.The affidavit of Sanjiv Bhatt, Modi instructed the state administration to sit back and to let the Hindus vent their anger.
When such charges are labeled against Modi-BJP pat comes the reply, if Modi is fascist for Gujarat
carnage, what about the Congress the anti Sikh pogrom of 1984.It is true that murder is murder irrespective of who does it.But the nature and motivation of Gujarat 2002 riot was different.
RSS Chief Rajendra Singh declared that Gujarat is the ‘Laboratory of Hindu Rashtra’.The VHP president Ashok Singhal praised the killings as “the will of lord Ram”. The Gujarat VHP president, K K Shastri remorselessly admitted, “our boys did it”.
The word appeasement is very popular in Indian politics. Bharatia Janata Party (BJP) and others some organisations and political parties are always shouting specially about Appeasement
to the minorities. They are propagated about Muslim's appeasement. What are the reality ? If it is true then why the condition of Muslims has deteriorated and they are economically, socially and education-wise backward as per
Sacchar Commission and Ranganath Mishra Commission.
On the other hand BJP RSS are playing dirty appeasement politics. They would like to pleased the the Hindu extremists and Hindu religious leaders to raise the Ram Mandir issue, anti Muslims issue, Kashmir issue ,Pakistan issue etc. Is it not appeasement politics!
Rape is a social crime and it is very shame for civil society.We should all protest against it. A strong long term systemic protest by BJP ,AAP(Amm Admi Party) in Delhi and thats very good job done by BJP.
But there were many women raped in Gujarat 2002 riots by BJP.RSS, Bajranj dal.VHP. This is the reality in India
Rapistsprotest against rapists. BJP,RSS were involved rape and murdered peoples especially Muslims in anti Muslims riots through out the India.Really what a rape politics and real secular politics!
BJP RSS are against communal violence bill because they love communal riots for their own interest.
Communal politics and communalism are more dangerous than terrorism. It affects the societies ,countries and world widely. Peoples are suffering more by communalism. It creates more serious problems among the healthy society. Human rights ,social justices have been seriously violated. A nation can not be develope if we live with communal feeling and communal riots.
There are many terrorists groups are active in India. Maoist
, RSS , Bodo and Ulfa terrorists in Assam, Naga terrorists in North East India, Hijbul Mujahideen and others some terrorists groups in Kashmir are active in India.But BJP RSS never interested in others terrorism . They are very busy and interested in anti Muslims and anti Islam politics. They are silence about others terrorism in India.. They are so blind that they find everything wrong in Islam and Muslims. They never not try to understand and realize the reality in India and also do not want to know the root causes of terrorism are injustice, poverty , discrimination , communal politics and Hindutva politics.
They have forgot main issues in India like poverty (about 30% peoples live in below poverty level), high population growth, poor education system, health problems, drinking water crisis, femicide, child labour, violence ,communal riots, violation of human right , caste system, social injustices, status of women etc.
.Bajrang Dal, VHP (Saffron brigade) are against Valentine's Day and also against modern western culture.We want an end to such celebrations," said a Bajrang Dal member.
Media reports say Saffron volunteers forced young men and women to get "married" who were celebrating Valentine's Day in various parts of India, Southern state Andhra Pradesh,Odisa,Maharastra. Saffron men belonging to Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) also staged demonstrations in the state, raising opposition to the idea of celebrating Valentine's day by couples.The party members also attacked couples and vandalised shops selling cards and bouquets.They would like Taliban culture in India.
BJP RSS supporters are talking about Pseudo secularism in India. But it is very clear what type of secularism and democracy they want to introduce in India. It is true that most of the political parties are corrupted in India. Everyone knows that BJP ,Congress both are corrupted. So corruption is a common problems in our country. We can not judge a political party by corruption. We can only judge the political party what ideology they follow.
BJP RSS follow corrupted communal and fascist ideology which will be more dangerous for shining India.We should be very aware about fascist ideology which will be destroy the sweet culture, communal harmony,peace and development of India.
Marriage Problem Specialist
ReplyDeletesaid.....very nice blog post..........thanks for sharing